Thursday, March 15, 2012

Coffee Date

Let's meet up for coffee {it's been way too long}, or tea...whatever you like to sip with friends while catching up {I'm guessing it will be of the decaf varietal since many of you are preggo}. How about now? I would meet you at Starbucks most likely...or maybe we'd meet at my house & we could lounge on the couch...although you'd probably get asked to play car cars and choo choos with Jayden, and I would be getting up constantly to catch Gracie before she bangs her head on the coffee table. Ya, let's do Starbucks :)

I would order a grande iced coffee with nonfat milk and 1/2 the sweetener and hope to snag a couple of those comfy chairs so we can chat in comfort. I'd tell you that I seriously need to cut back on my caffeine and that iced teas have become my latest obsession. And I'd tell you that I'm tired...not from anything in particular...just the daily grind. That sometimes I feel like I'm treading water, just trying to stay afloat and get through the week without having a breakdown {and sometimes I don’t make it}. I'd tell you that I am really looking forward to some mini vacations I have coming up.

I would ask you how what's new in your world and if you have anything fun planned for the rainy weekend.

I would tell you that I haven't been baking much, but I'd like to start again soon. That ever since Gracie was born it's been a struggle to find the time. And I'd tell you that I cannot believe it's already been 7 months & she will be 1 year old before we know it. And that it makes me sad how quickly my babies are growing up, but that I am so excited for all of the fun times ahead of us. And I would tell you that my biggest fear in life is missing out on them growing up; but I have to believe that it's in God's hands.

I would tell you that Jayden is starting to adjust to preschool, although it's still a struggle sometimes. And that I LOVE picking him up from school because he always greets me with a huge hug and seems so excited to see me. Gracie too J

I would tell you that I really enjoyed catching up with you; and that we need to do this more often.

Thanks for the coffee date :) See you soon.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Quote of the Week

"Insanity is hereditary; you get it from your children" - Sam Levenson

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

I'll Bet You Didn't Know...

That we have a pet dinosaur. His name is Dino

That Barbie is "Sure"

That we don't childproof the electric outlets at our home {jk, how cute is sweet Izzy??}

That I will ALWAYS take crème brulee over chocolate cake {but I will eat both, of course}

That 30 is the new 15 {well, according to the peeps who toilet papered our house}

That my daughter loves to chow down on dirty socks. We are so proud.

And now you know.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Scenes from the Weekend

It was a bluebird weekend out in Santee; perfect for some GTL {okay, there was no “G” in sight, but plenty of T and L}. Speaking of which, the “T” left me sunburnt {who knew the sun would be that strong in March?} and the “L” is still scattered all over the hallway floor. But at least it’s clean.

Jayden had a blast playing in the sprinklers, and all of J’s hard work in the yard finally paid off with the first bloom of the season. Gorgeous ain’t it?

*Gym, Tanning & Laundry for the non Jersey Shore fans. J