Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Weekend Wrap Up

Ok, so obviously the weekend was over a couple of days ago…but I figure if everyone else can blame delays on the Monday holiday, then so can I! So there! J Anyway, this weekend was foxkicken {aka super awesome}, because it was a whopping 4 days long thanks to a 9/80 work schedule combined with Memorial Day…although it made coming back to work on Tuesday that much more painful.

Friday J & I got down and dirty in the front yard doing some gardening after spending a whopping $150 at the plant nursery. Neither of us really have a green thumb, but the plant lady reassured us that these plants will be low maintenance and survive year round. We are pretty good at killing off plants, so I won’t get my hopes up. Saturday Jayden & J took the very first dip in the pool of the season, while I soaked up some sunshine {not a chance I was getting dragged into that chilly water!} 

That evening we had our neighbors and their kiddos over to watch Gnomeo & Juliet…Quick Review: NOT foxkicken. But the little ones were entertained, and the adults got some much needed rest and quiet time J

Sunday we BBQ’d over at my sister’s house so that Grammy & Papa {my parents} could fill up their tank with grandbaby love before they headed off on vacay for two weeks {jealous!}. And Monday was filled with house projects, including curtain hanging & nursery touch ups {thanks to the preggo slave driver…BUT, I was suckered into gardening on Friday so it’s only fair}. We did manage to fit in some fun time - I picked up this pretty sweet water toy from Kohls and Jayden had a blast running through it. Check it out...

The long weekend was wrapped up with an amazingly delicious carnitas meal at Por Favor {our favorite!}, followed by some FroYo from the East County gem that is The Yogurt Mill…totally worth the ½ hour wait!


  1. THE MILL IS ALWAYS WORTH THE WAIT!!! ahhhh! it just tastes like home!
    ps LOVE jayden!
