Monday, May 23, 2011

Weekend Wrap Up

These last few days have been a crazy mixture of pain, productivity and pleasure in the Trapp household. J got an MRI on Friday night, while I was treated to a gourmet meal at my parent’s house {fresh snapper from Anthony’s, yum!}. I woke up Saturday morning with a pounding headache and almost had to miss a lovely church bridal shower {glad I sucked it up and went!}. J’s parent’s came over in the afternoon, and with their help we managed to spread the majority of the mulch in the front yard, paint the chair rail for the nursery and get the house tidy. And when the work was done, our friends Keri and James came over {with dinner no less!} with their 9 month old son Bradley. I swear that kiddo gets cuter every time I see him! And they also brought Gracie these cute little kicks…

 Sunday morning I woke up feeling great, so we started the day off with some d-lish banana and blueberry pancakes…but as the cooking progressed, so did the throbbing in my head…and ears…and neck. I ended up in bed all morning with a migraine. Boo. BUT, J’s parents saved the day again and helped get the chair rail up in the nursery while keeping Jayden entertained. I was useless. Things got a little better by the afternoon, so we headed over to the neighbors for a BBQ and playdate with their adorable tots. Soooo happy to be in a neighborhood with lots of fun young and growing families like us!

Happy Monday J

1 comment:

  1. I like the weekend wrap up! And I'm impressed that you hit a BBQ after a migraine... I would have used to excuse to be home alone watching reality tv. :)
