We are officially hillbillies. Or living on the prairie in the 1920’s. I don’t know a single 20 or 30 year old that actually pickles his own cucumbers…or makes their own homemade jam. Well, until now. Jason’s project of the evening was canning the pickling cucumbers we received from our weekly CSA, which he learned how to do from the video at the link below (you should seriously view this…it’s quite entertaining watching this guy’s enthusiasm about cucumbers). The cukes are looking pretty good (see video below if you are curious what a cuke is), but now we've got to wait 3-4 weeks before the pickling is complete!
Speaking of the CSA, we received our second shipment this week and everything is looking delicious as anticipated. We also ordered a crate of fresh strawberries (which is where the homemade jam comes in). Yum yum!
I read the title of this post and thought, "Who the heck is Jarred?" But now I get it. Phew. :) Enjoy them pickles!