Tuesday, April 5, 2011

When life gives you sprinkles… bake a cupcake!

Life has given me lots of sprinkles…little blessings that just top off something already delicious (like a chocolate mousse filled chocolate cupcake with chocolate frosting!)! My wonderful husband, my beautiful (and let’s be honest, pain in the butt but worth every little frustrationJ) baby boy, my parents, brothers, sisters, nieces & nephews…friends…so many sprinkles! And to top it all off…I’ve got another sprinkle on the way! J And over the past year I’ve truly enjoyed reading about all of my friends and family’s experiences and become a HUGE fan of blogs in general. I follow party planning blogs, decorating blogs, fashion blogs, photography blogs…you name it! So I figured maybe I should give the blogging world a go…

And I’ve recently started a new experiment of testing out cupcake recipes. One new recipe a week is my goal…4 weeks in and I’m still on track! Although Jason (the hubby) complains about how this new hobby is contributing to his waistline…the only complaint I hear is him wondering why they take so long to  cool so he can devour 3 whole cupcakes at once (and then whine about why I let him eat so many!). And lucky for me I have lots of taste testers for this new hobby…family, friends, coworkers…everyone is on board!

So here goes nuthin…oh, and there is no particular theme to this blog. I’ll feature weekly cupcakes, events, experiences & whatever else is going on in the Trapp world. And I'm off...

1 comment:

  1. Yay Lisa! Love this idea and cannot wait to see what your blog becomes!
