Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Good Samaritans

We were up in PQ tonight visiting J’s parents (the usual routine on Wednesdays) and after a delicious meal (Roast Chicken, my favorite!), I got a craving for some frozen yogurt. Speaking of which…what is up with craving something sweet after EVERY single meal? I don’t know if it’s a girl thing, but I definitely didn’t have this when I was preggo with Jayden. Anyway, I digress…SO, I mention that some frozen yogurt would really hit the spot & we decide to take a walk over to Cool Cravings in Torrey Highlands. I am definitely feeling these new yogurt places where you can serve yourself and pile on the toppings. A little tip: Grab one of those little sample cups & you can try out every flavor before you commit…AND you end up with half the yogurt (and price tag, consequently) since you stuff yourself with all the free samples J

So everything is going great until the walk home and we see this little boy, probably about 5 years old, walking with determination around the block by himself…not an adult in sight. It looks pretty odd to us all, so we decide to follow him and he continues to walk alone for several minutes before we finally ask him where he is going & where his parents are. Long story short: we searched the neighborhood for anyone looking for a lost boy and fortunately found a woman that recognized him & knew his mother. She said he lived WAY down the street…so apparently he decided it would be nice to leave the house & go for a little walk on his own. Crazy eh?

In other news, it appears that whatever Jayden had is finally catching up with me L I’ve got a sore throat, headache, stuffy and runny nose (yes, both at the same time), and a serious case of the whines. Feel sorry for me. J

1 comment:

  1. 3 things:
    1. I do feel sorry for you!
    2. Isn't fro yo THE BEST THING EVER?! I highly recommend vanilla with hot fudge and Snickers. Mmmmm.
    3. Awkward: Finding a random child walking the streets of North County at night. Tomorrow is Thursday and I think you should link up to Awkward and Awesome! It will be awesome!
