Thursday, March 8, 2012

Awkward and Awesome Thursday!


When a coworker calls you on the phone with a question, but sits within talking distance from you. As in, directly across from you. "Uhhh, I'm sorry I can't quite make out what you said because the sound of your actual voice is over-powering your phone voice"

Selling your used breast pump on craigslist {it's surprisingly high in demand}

That my car farts randomly...and the noise comes from the front driver area. Let's just say I've gotten some strange's the car I swear!

When you pull your wallet out of your purse to pay for lunch and with it comes a baby sock and a tampon. Guess it's time to clean out the purse.


Human totem polls

McDonalds iced tea - 74 cents of deliciousness in giant proportions

Beans! Beans are wicked awesome!

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