Saturday, November 5, 2011

And if I Fail, then I Fail

I have always struggled with fear. Not "afraid of the dark or spiders" kind of fear. The kind of fear that causes insecurities and keeps me from trying new things or meeting new people. Because what if I fail? Or worse, face rejection? Or what if people see my flaws and think less of me?

Anyone notice the recurring theme here? God didn't give me this timid spirit, but rather it's my inward focus that is holding me back. And as many insecurities as I have, the worry that people would even notice my flaws is a form of vanity. Can I shift my focus outward and stop dwelling on what people will think of me?

Lately my fears have been around failure. What if I can't live up to the expectations in my new job? What if I am not being the perfect mother to my children? What if my relationships fail?

And then I am reminded of the story of Esther. She had the courage to face death in order to save her people from it. "...And if I perish, I perish" {Esther 4:16}. And if I fail, I fail. And if I am rejected, then God will comfort me. And if I _____, then _____.

What's the worst that can happen? When you are weak, He is strong. Let's take some risks!


  1. I love that part from our Esther study. Thanks for reminding me how good our God is to fill in our gaps.
