Sunday, August 14, 2011

Long Time No See

Not that you have missed much. With a newborn, the blogging has definitely fallen on the priority list…but so have the interesting things to blog about {Unless the details of sleeping, eating, feeding & changing diapers thrills you}. So I apologize if this blog takes a slight detour from the usual and turns into a babyfest…but that’s just my life at the moment. I’ll start with how our little bundle entered the world on July 28th {her due date, btw!}…

The night before I walked LOTS of laps around the park by our house to try to get things moving along…and apparently it worked! At about 9pm that night, I noticed that my contractions felt different…slightly uncomfortable, but they were still very sporadic. It wasn’t until about 2am that I started noticing them coming at regular intervals, but I didn’t want to jump the gun so I went downstairs to watch some TV and have a snack. At about 3am, I decided {well, J kind of decided} that they were consistent and painful enough to go to the hospital. I figured we still had several hours of labor to go, and I really didn’t want to wake up Jayden or my family, so we took our time. J took a shower…I packed my bags and put on some makeup…and we finally left the house at 3:30, just about the time my contractions were getting pretty uncomfortable. Well, we got to the 163 South freeway and all of the sudden I got a little scared…not only were the contractions extremely painful, but I also felt a lot of “pressure”…J sped up and started running red lights…Jayden was delirious…and I was panicking a bit. We got to Mary Birch at 3:45 and when they checked me at triage, I was fully dilated and ready to push. They wheeled me into the delivery room at 3:51, and Grace Olivia was born at 3:57am. What a blur. But she is beautiful and healthy and perfect!

We are definitely adjusting to having a family of four…and it’s rough at times I’ll admit, but we are truly blessed! And now I'm off to sleep...for two hours :)

1 comment:

  1. Yay! So glad to read all about Gracie's arrival! I've been meaning to call but I always get nervous that I'll catch you in the middle of a nap. :) She's beautiful! Can't wait to meet her!
